Middle School

As you enter Year 9 and 10, you are entering a new stage in your education. You now have more control over the subjects you study, being offered electives for the first time. This is an opportunity to start actively shaping your future and take a step up towards adulthood.

During these two years you will be asked to consider how you want your future to look.

You will examine possible careers and will be given the chance to develop new skills and interests. As a school, we will support you in mapping out possible pathways to your future.  The Year 9 City Experience offers the opportunity for students to develop social skills and independence. Students travel to and from the city over the course of a week and are able to gain insights into further education opportunities as well as navigating themselves around the city in small groups to complete tasks and develop teamwork skills. The Experience culminates in the opportunity to present to parents about what has been learned and the skills that have been developed throughout the program.

In Year 10 you will have to undertake a week of Work Experience that will give you an insight into full time employment.

In considering your future, remember that the more you make out of your time at school, the greater the range of choices you will have open to you. Success in the classroom is one way to broaden your choices, but there are many others. You have the chance to participate in a wide range of additional activities at school. You could join a sporting team, take up debating or participate in a musical production. You can also have an active voice in how the school operates. We value the contribution students make through the Student Representative Council. Participating in additional programs at school gives you the chance to develop your skills in areas such as leadership, decision making and creativity.

In this handbook you will find information on subjects offered, information on special programs and general information about the College.


Middle Years College Handbook 2025

Disclaimer: Handbook information is correct at time of publishing. CSC organisational design, curriculum structures and school policies are subject to change at the principal’s and leadership teams’ discretion.

Year 9 & 10 Parent Contributions

This Parent Payments policy outlines the ways in which schools can request financial contributions from parents and ensures that parent payment practices in Victorian government schools are consistent, transparent and that all students have access to the Curriculum. We recommend our families review the following parent payment letter for more information on the parent contribution payments for year 9 parents/carers visit: Year 9 Parent Contribution Letter and for year 10 parents/carers visit: Year 10 Parent Contribution Letter

Year 9 & 10 Curriculum Structure

Important information – in accordance with the Victorian Curriculum:

Year 9

  •  In year 9, students must choose one elective from the Arts group of electives during the year.

Year 10

  • Students in year 10 choose six units each semester, twelve for the year.
  • Students must study English for the entire year.
  • All students will study Core Mathematics or Maths Pre-Methods in semester 1, and one Mathematics elective in semester 2 (Maths Foundation, Core or Pre-Methods).
  • Students can select a VCE VET.
  • All students complete the core Humanities, Science and Physical Education Units, either in semester 1 or semester 2.
  • Students must choose a unit from one of the following areas:  Arts or Technology.
  • Students have the option of continuing their study of Languages (Italian) in semester 2.
  • Students also have the option of choosing a Science, Humanities or Physical Education elective.

Middle School - Year 9

Year 9
Subject Number of Periods per Fortnight
English 9
Maths 8
Humanities 5
Science 5
HPE/ Health 6
Italian / EAL 5
Social & Emotional Learning 2
2 x Electives 1st Semester 5
2 x Electives 2nd Semester 5

Middle School - Year 10

Year 10
Subject Number of Periods per Fortnight
English 8
Maths 8
VET Elective 8
Core Science / Humanities 8
PE / Art / Technology 8
Social & Emotional Learning 2
2 x Electives of Choice per Semester 8