SWPBS & College Values
~ Respect ~ Belonging ~ Growth ~ Understanding ~

Mission Statement

At Craigieburn Secondary College (CSC), we strive to create a safe and welcoming community, where everyone is nurtured and empowered to achieve their highest potential in the classroom and beyond.


At Craigieburn Secondary College we are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive school culture where Respect, Belonging, Growth و Understanding are the foundation of all interactions. We recognise and celebrate the rich diversity of our school community, valuing the unique experiences, backgrounds and perspectives that each individual brings. We actively promote positive behaviour through the implementation of clear expectations within a safe and nurturing environment. Students are empowered to thrive academically, personally, and socially both during their time at CSC and beyond.

College Values

At Craigieburn Secondary College we are committed to implementing a whole school approach to Positive Behaviour Support for engagement and learning.

The SWPBS approach is underpinned by our college values. The following values are explicitly taught and acknowledged while providing a basis for our everyday interactions with each other:

Respect: At CSC, respect is the foundation of our community, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where every individual is celebrated, heard and valued.

Belonging:At CSC, we foster genuine connections and celebrate individuality, ensuring every member of our diverse community feels embraced, accepted and cherished.

Growth: At CSC, we inspire and support our students to reach their full potential and constantly evolve as lifelong learners.

Understanding: At CSC, we create opportunities for our students to grasp concepts and ideas and empower them to apply these in real life situations.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Vision and Values

تؤمن كلية Craigieburn الثانوية بأن التعليم يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياة الشباب.

Our vision is “to be an environment in which every student achieves their highest potential”. In addition, we aim to have high expectations of students, teachers and parents and we provide structures and processes that facilitate the implementation of a consistent and rigorous student learning program.

Craigieburn Secondary College Logo RESPECTS, BELONGING, GROWTH and UNDERSTANDING in our learning community.

تشمل العملية الأساسية لهذه القيم المشاركة والتفكير والتغيير والمرونة وحل المشكلات واتخاذ القرار والاعتراف.

توفر الكلية:

  • بيئة تعليمية آمنة وداعمة وتشجع على العمل الهادف
  • المساواة في الوصول إلى ، والفرصة لتحقيق النجاح ، في منهج شامل مليء بالتحديات في الصفوف 7-10 في كل مجال من مجالات التعلم المحددة في المنهج الدراسي الفيكتوري.
  • جدول زمني لدراسات ودورات VCE الشاملة في بيئة من شأنها زيادة الوصول إلى مزيد من التعليم والمسارات المهنية.
  • فرص لتطوير مهارات القيادة والمواطنة واحترام الذات والثقة
تتوقع كلية Craigieburn الثانوية من طلابها:
  • العمل بأفضل ما لديهم من قدرات
  • احترم حقوق جميع الآخرين ، شخصهم ، فضائهم وممتلكاتهم من خلال الانضباط الذاتي
  • نسعى جاهدين للتميز ونفخر بعملهم ومدرستهم
Craigieburn Secondary College Classroom Behaviour Matrix

Craigieburn Secondary College Classroom Standards of Excellence

CSC Positive Behaviour Merit Rewards

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