Enrolment Enquiry

All new enrolments to Craigieburn Secondary College (excluding Grade 6 into Year 7 transition) are conducted by an Assistant Principal. We recommend viewing the College Prospectus Brochure – Click Here to download Prospectus A parent/carer interview is required at a mutually arranged appointment time.

School requirements and information including uniform, books, lockers, code of conduct, parents/carers and student supports and courses of study are discussed with parents/carers and students before enrolment forms are signed. Interviews do not take place without a parent/carer in attendance. To make an enrolment enquiry please fill out the DET Enrolment Enquiry Form. On receipt of the DET Enrolment form, in person or via email at craigieburn.sc@education.vic.gov.au, an Assistant Principal will be in contact to determine an enrolment interview, and an enrolment pack will be issued by the administration team.

The laptop program at Craigieburn Secondary College creates expanded learning opportunities that are more active, and student centred. It provides a wealth of rich educational resources and tools, that when used effectively, will deliver very positive teaching and learning outcomes. Every student is expected to have a laptop. Students have the choice to bring your own device (BYOD) or access the college co-contribution scheme regardless of the scheme you choose to access the college ICT & E-Learning Policy handbook and contract will be given to students, parents/carers to discuss and sign.

All netbooks and laptops are networked that will link them to their teachers, learning communities, multimedia software and with online tools and resources, email communication, and Compass system.

For more information on the one-to-one netbook program and ICT & E-Learning handbook, please contact the general office during business hours on 93081144.

Parent Payments

Schools provide students with free instruction and ensure students have free access to all items, activities and services that are used by the school to fulfil the
requirements of the Curriculum. This includes the Victorian Curriculum F-10, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) including the VCE Vocational Major and the Victorian Pathways Certificate.  Schools may invite parents to make a financial contribution to support the school.

See the DET parent payments policy link and downloadable links below for Parent Payments Overview 2025 and further advice by your child’s relevant year level:

Year 7 parent payment letter 2025

Year 8 parent payment letter 2025

Year 9 parent payment letter 2025

Year 10 parent payment letter 2025

Year 11 parent payment letter 2025

Year 12 parent payment letter 2025

Placement Guidelines

Designated Neighbourhood School

In Victoria, children of compulsory school age are entitled to be enrolled at their designated neighbourhood school. The designated neighbourhood school is generally the government school within closest proximity to the student’s permanent residential address, unless the Minister or their delegate (such as the Regional Director) has restricted the zone of a school. In such cases, a child’s designated neighbourhood school may not be their nearest school.

Students are able to apply for a place at a school that is not their designated neighbourhood school. All requests from students living outside the school’s zone will be considered by the principal at the preferred school.

If there are sufficient places, under the Placement Policy it is expected that government schools will accept all students at school age seeking enrolment at the school.

Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Placement Policy’s priority order of placement, which has six criteria. Schools ensure that all applicants eligible under a criterion have been offered a place before moving to consideration of the next. All students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school are guaranteed a place.

The priority order of placement is as follows:

  • Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school
  • Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
  • Where the Regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school
  • Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds
  • All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.
  • In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds.

For further information on siblings, restricted enrolment and appeals see the Placement Policy Guidelines.

Find my school website

The Find My School website visually represents all mainstream school zones in Victoria. You can find a designated neighbourhood school by a residential address search OR search using the name of a school.

The result will show:

  • the location of the school in the zone in relation to the residential address (if provided)
  • information about the school, its region and a link to the school website.

The Find My School website links to the Department’s frequently asked questions FAQs and more information on School Zones

School Zones for specialist schools, English Language Schools, community schools, select entry schools have not been published due to enrolment criteria – see map for these locations.



Craigieburn Secondary College School Zone Map