Etkinlikler ve Programlar
Craigieburn Secondary College Business Academy
Craigieburn Secondary College has established a Business Academy in 2024 to support our community?s growing demand for a program which provides pathways and opportunities for our students in business and entrepreneurship.
Craigieburn Secondary College has collaborated with the University of Melbourne in the development of an Academy Education and Training program for implementation in 2024.
Key aspects of the Academy include the development of meaningful educational experiences relating to 21st Century skills which are grounded in research and aligned to the school?s values, as well as strong links and partnerships with local businesses in the Hume region.
Key aspects of the program
Partnerships and External Engagement
Forging partnerships with local businesses, entrepreneurs and industry professionals to enhance students’ exposure to real-world business scenarios, internships/traineeships and mentoring opportunities.
Student Guidance and Mentorship
Establishing mentorship programs and partnerships that connect students with professionals in the business community and guide students in their career exploration, personal development and building of professional networks.
Entrepreneurship Support
Nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset among students through workshops and projects that encouraging creativity, innovation and business ideation.
Industry partnerships
Involvement in this partnership with us can involve as much or as little input as you are able to provide ? we?re flexible.
It may include coming to our school to share your business journey with students, hosting one of our students for a work placement every Friday during the school term and/or allowing us to visit your workplace to learn more about their business operations and industry.
Mr Damien Stingell
Business Academy Leader|
Ph: 9308 1144
Careers & Pathways Website
The CSC Careers Program – At Craigieburn Secondary College, we understand that young people need guidance and accurate information about a wide variety of career options, as well as the capacity to reflect on their own skills, goals and personal strengths, in order to make wise career choices. Visit the CSC Careers & Pathways Website to find out more!
We provide our students with a range of career development programs and services. The aim of these programs and services is to assist students to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to effectively self-manage their life, learning and work. Programs and support services at CSC include:
- Individual careers counselling
- Careers resources
- Career development education
- Course counselling
- Careers workshops and presentations
What is Careers guidance?
Careers guidance describes the services which help people of any age to manage their careers and to make the educational, training and occupational choices that are right for them. It helps people to reflect on their ambitions, interests, qualifications, skills and talents – and to relate this knowledge about who they are to who they might become within the labour market.
Careers guidance involves a range of connected activities, including provision of careers information, personalised guidance/counselling, skills assessment, engaging with the world of work and the teaching of decision-making and career management skills.
Career guidance is a continuous process throughout life, and it is critical to the smooth transitions of young people as they make choices about education and training.
Leadership Ceremony
The Leadership ceremony is always an exciting time for students and teachers at our school. It is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students as they prepare to take on leadership roles in the upcoming year.
The ceremony was held in the Performing Arts Centre, with parents and teachers in attendance, with the welcome speech delivered by Mr. McGavisk, who congratulated the students on their achievements and wished them well as they move into their new roles.
The selection process for these positions is rigorous and only the most qualified and capable students are chosen. Those who are selected have already demonstrated strong leadership skills, academic achievement, and a commitment to the school community.
It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone in the school community to come together and celebrate. Congratulations to all our wonderful LEADERS!!
Maths News
The Micro Mathematicians program is aimed at enriching and advancing Mathematics experience for our top two band students.
Micro Mathematicians is an enrichment program aimed at advanced students in years 5 to 10 who have an interest in mathematics beyond the classroom. While the primary goal is to offer extension in mathematics and statistics, this program helps students develop skills in communication, collaboration, and literacy.
The Micro Mathematicians incursion by the University of Melbourne was a huge success! Our top 2 band students experienced the real-world applications of statistics along with use of numeracy skills of fractions, decimals and percentages. They also learnt new mathematics/numeracy specific vocabulary, such as the difference between ‘accuracy and precision’.
Harmony Week – “Everyone Belongs – Our Shared Stories” – A Huge Success at Craigieburn SC!
“Harmony Week celebrates Australia?s cultural diversity. Kapsayıcılık, saygı ve herkes için bir aidiyet duygusu ile ilgilidir.“(Victoria Hükümeti, 2022).
Okul camiamız çok heyecanlıydı. Uyum Haftası aktiviteler ve Sağlık ekibi ve göstericiler bizi hayal kırıklığına uğratmadı! Herkes tarafından neşeli, yaratıcı, çeşitli, kapsayıcı ve eğlenceli bir haftaydı!
Celebrating Harmony Week at Craigieburn Secondary College promotes inclusivity and diversity and fosters upon the values that underpin the school values; belonging, understanding, respect and growth. Harmony Week provides an opportunity for students, staff and parents to recognise and appreciate the contributors of various ethnicities, religions and cultures within our school community. It also brings upon further enriched discussions around cultural awareness and acceptance.
This year to celebrate Harmony Week the theme is ?our shared stories?. Which encourages students, staff and families to share their stories of culture, family and who they are.
Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country, from the oldest continuous culture of our First Nations. To the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world today.
bu Craigieburn Ortaokulunda Uyum Haftası çok fazla heyecan, mutluluk, kutlama ve her şeyden önce birçok kültürümüzün birbirine bağlı ve kapsayıcı olduğu duygusuyla dolu bir haftaydı. Herkesin keyif aldığı bir hafta için organizatörlere teşekkür ederiz!
Breakfast & Lunch Club
We are pleased to inform you about our important resources available to our school community. We are excited to introduce the “Up and Go” Breakfast Program and Foodbank Support Program. This initiative is designed to help families who may need assistance in providing meals at home.
This program is part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the well-being of our students. Through our partnership with Foodbank, we can provide food support to students who might otherwise go without. Whether your child needs occasional support or more regular assistance, the program is here to help.
We are excited to introduce this program, designed to ensure that every student has access to nutritious meals during the school day.
Up and Go Program:
100 Up and Go?s per day and mini milks
- When: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
- Where: S5
- Time: 8:30 – 8:45 am
Foodbank Lunch Program:
Tuna Cups, Fresh Fruit & Fruit Cups
- When: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
- Where: S5
- Time: 1:45pm – 2:10pm
State School Relief Support
The State School Relief program to support families with school uniform items has changed. In the past we have provided students with a voucher that could be redeemed at PSW. However, over time the gap between the cost of the item and the amount of vouchers has grown wider. So, to ensure support goes further for families, very important changes are being made.
Each voucher will have a value of $85. There will now be a limit of 1 voucher per application every 6 months. A maximum of 2 vouchers per student/per calendar year, these vouchers will be valid for 3 months from the date of issue. Vouchers can be used to purchase items at PSW.
For state school relief support please contact our Community Liaison Officer on 9308 1144.
Mutlu Mülteciler Haftası
Craigieburn Secondary College'daki harika mülteci topluluğumuzun sonsuz kutlaması ve tanınmasıyla dolu bir hafta. Kutlamaların bir parçası olarak kolej, ebeveynleri/bakıcıları ?Mülteci Haftası?nı kutlamaya davet etti. kampüste bizimle.
Anlatılmamış hikayeler, bir kişinin daha iyi bir yaşam için çabalama cesareti ve gücü haline gelir.Mülteci olmak bir seçim değil, daha iyi bir hayata sahip olmak için bir kaçıştır. Bu etkinliğin amacı, farkındalığı artırmak ve daha geniş topluluğumuzu ?mülteci olmanın ne anlama geldiği konusunda eğitmekti. Kolej olarak çok kültürlülüğü kutlamaktan, mülteci ailelerimizi kabul etmekten ve onları topluluğumuza kabul etmekten gurur duyuyoruz. Craigieburn Ortaokul Koleji Koleji? değerler Saygı, Sorumluluk, Başarı ve Topluluktur..Oğlunuzu veya kızınızı ebeveyn/bakıcı olarak kolejimize kaydettirdiğinizde, aynı zamanda okula da kayıt olmuş olursunuz. Bunun, çocuğunuzun kişisel gelişimini ve başarısını sağlamak için birlikte yürüdüğümüz bir ortaklık olduğuna inanıyoruz. Bizim mantamız ?her çocuğa kendi çocuğumuzmuş gibi davranmak?, çocuğunuzun tam potansiyeline ulaşmasını sağlamak için.
Etkinlik sadece kutlamak için değil, aynı zamanda kolej ve daha geniş toplulukla tanışmak ve bağlantı kurmak için harika bir fırsattı. Kolej, yoğun programlarının dışında burada bizimle olmak ve hizmetlerini ailelere tanıtmak için zaman ayıran tüm harici hizmet sağlayıcılara teşekkür eder. Anavatanlarından kaçarken yaşadıkları deneyimlerle ilgili kişisel hikayelerini paylaşan iki öğrencimiz Monamour ve Lorin'i tanıştırmak gurur verici bir andı. Kolej, her iki öğrencinin de kişisel hikayelerini bizimle paylaşmalarını takdir etti, onlara başarılar, Avustralya'da daha iyi ve daha güvenli bir yaşam diliyoruz.
Kolejimizden Sizlere Mülteci Haftası Kutlu Olsun
Craigieburn Ortaokulu Atletizm Karnavalı
The Athletics Carnival is coming up in term 2 and we encourage participation in this physical activity, promoting the school and community spirit and providing an opportunity for students to be selected to compete at the divisional and regional levels in different track and field events. It was amazing to see students enjoying themselves and connecting to the community by wearing their house colours. Students were able to participate in a variety of events not only representing themselves, but also earning points for their House Colours. May the best Houses Win!!
Katılan tüm öğrencilerimize ve ayrıca atletizmde yardım ve destek sağlayabilen tüm personele çok teşekkür ederiz. Okul etkinliklerimizin başarısı, okul topluluğumuzun katılımı, coşkusu ve desteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır.
Yüzme Karnavalı Oak Park Spor ve Su Sporları Merkezi
Şubat ayındaki Yüzme Karnavalı, fiziksel aktiviteye katılımı teşvik etti, okul ve topluluk ruhunu destekledi ve öğrencilere bölümsel ve bölgesel yüzme yarışmalarında yarışmak üzere seçilme fırsatı sağladı.
The Swimming Carnival was an event certainly enjoyed and students connected to their school community by wearing their House Colours. Congratulations to all our Houses for being winners in participation and collegiality. Congratulations to all our competitors and spectators; and to the students who were successful in progressing to the divisional swimming and regional swimming carnivals. It was gold, silver and bronze medals to our staff who made this event happen and a credit to all our students who represented CSC and showed our College Values of Respect, Belonging, Growth and Understanding!